Client: A Global Enterprise Headquartered in USA

Industry: Life Sciences

Situation: A division of this large enterprise offers desktop/web based software products to researchers to help them with their day-to-day activities. They wanted to leverage mobile technologies to offer new products and features to help increase ease of use, improve productivity of end users, and stay competitive.

Problem: The client was aware of the benefits mobile technologies can bring but was not sure about how to go about it, which technologies to use and where to start. They were apprehensive about how some of the complex UI of current systems can be offered on mobile.

Solution: Our Enterprise Mobility experts helped this client to put together a comprehensive mobility strategy, suggested solution alternatives and recommended most suitable options. The key aspects of this assignment included:

  • Interviews of all key stakeholders to understand current infrastructure, competitive landscape, future plans, needs of customers and pain points
  • Identification and prioritization of relevant requirements to get started with enterprise mobility adoption
  • Detailed technology strategy covering following aspects:
    • Mobile App architectures
    • User Experience (UX) design options
    • Deployment, Distribution and Backend integration options
    • Solution recommendations
    • Technology roadmap
  • Architecture and UX design of recommended solution

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