Client: A content publisher from Europe

Industry: Training, eLearning

Situation: This company sells content to enterprises by creating personalized learning plans for their employees. It has clients all across the globe and uses multiple systems to manage those clients, their learning needs, learning content, learner progress etc.

Problem: Multiple systems used for various needs, the data is not at one location and collating and analyzing that data was a challenge. Users had to go to multiple systems to view their reports and their experience with these systems was not consistent. Users were loosing interest and the client wanted to improve the learner engagement.


  • Analysed current systems and designed a solution to automatically integrate data from these systems through back-end data connectors and jobs.
  • Provided a single dashboard for learners and managers to view analytics related to their overall progress, satisfaction and competence improvement.
  • Developed a gamification approach to award badges based on collated data of various learning activities.
  • Offered an ability to generate detailed reports for clients and schedule automatic delivery through email.
  • Built the web application using open source technologies with responsive UI to allow access from mobile devices.

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